2021 Annual Report

Scouts and Scouters,

In true Scout fashion, National Capital Area Council responded to the obstacles of 2021 by utilizing the creativity and dedication of volunteers and staff to deliver a safe, high quality Scouting experience.

During 2021, NCAC resumed in-person meetings and activities that included a safe summer camp season, a much-needed successful fall membership campaign, a substantially improved popcorn sale and an impressive amount of community service. Each of these areas required an incredible amount of time and energy by thousands and thousands of local volunteers and the contents of this annual report will reveal what an incredible job they did.

On behalf of the National Capital Area Council Executive Board, we would like to thank you for your continued support of Scouting. Your commitment of time, talent and treasure have ensured Scouting in our Council is available, active, and making a positive difference in the lives of youth and families.

Yours in Scouting,

JP Morgan, President | Julia Mae-Shen Lesko, Commissioner | Craig Poland, Scout Executive


Throughout 2021, NCAC navigated a challenging landscape to become the Council with the largest membership in the country. Summer Camp and other activities returned to the outdoors and community service provided by Scouts made a significant impact throughout the National Capital Area Council.

Youth Membership
Total Summer and Day Campers
Community Service Hours


During the pandemic, Scouts have stayed engaged. As in-person meetings and activities resumed, new members sought out local Scout units. Thanks to new initiatives such as Geofencing, fall recruitment was a success.

Youth Membership
Youth Retention Rate
Unit Retention Rate

Largest Council

Adult Leaders


Summer Camp returned to the great outdoors in 2021 and enjoyed safe seasons at Goshen Scout Reservation, Camp William B. Snyder, Camp Catoctin, Camp Wall, and District Day Camps throughout the Council territory.

  • Goshen Scout Reservation – 4,594 Youth & Adults Served
  • Camp William B. Snyder – 1,035 Youth & Adults Served
  • Camp Catoctin – 82 Youth & Adults Served
  • Camp Wall – 1,000 Youth and Adults Annual Use


The pandemic continued to have an impact on NCAC’s ability to raise essential support for Scouting programs in 2021. The Family Campaign, Popcorn Sale and Golf Tournament were most impacted. Thanks to the success of other Council Special Events, Foundations, Major Gifts, and the Board Campaign and with careful expense management, NCAC achieved a balanced budget, grew endowment, and remained debt free.

  • 31%— Other
  • 25%Camping
  • 15%Friends of Scouting
  • 11%— Special Events
  • 2%— Foundations
  • 5%— Activities
  • 5%— Investments
  • 5%Product Sales
  • 1%Sale of Supplies
  • >1%%United Way
  • 80%— Program
  • 12%Fundraising
  • 8%Management & General

For year ending 12/31/21 (unaudited)


2021 was a strong year for program in National Capital Area Council.  Advancement, Training, and Recognition took positive steps forward from 2020 and let everyone know Scouting has a bright future.

Cub Ranks
STEM Supernova Awards
Wood Badge Participants
ScoutsBSA Ranks
Quartermaster Awards
1,331 Eagle Scouts
Eagle Scouts – including 62 new female Eagles
Merit Badges
Summit Awards
National Outstanding Eagle Scouts
NYLT Participants
Silver Beavers
Pounds of Food Collected

2021 Council Officers

Council President
Mr. James L. “JP” Morgan

Council Commissioner
Mrs. Julia Mae-Shen Lesko

General Counsel
Mrs. Nicole Smith

Mr. Daniel Kotter

Secretary/Chief Executive Officer
Mr. Craig A. Poland

VP District Operations
Mr. Roy “Rick” Rogers

VP Program Impact
Dr. Arden Dougan

VP Finance
Mr. Morgan H. Sullivan

VP Outdoor Adventure
Dr. William W. Bowerman

VP Membership
Mr. Gene Irisari

VP Marketing & Communications
Mr. Richard Harrington

VP Leadership & Performance
Col. David T. DuHadway, USAF (Ret.)

2021 Executive Board

Allen, Ms. Quanda
Babbitt, Mr. J Randolph
Bothwell, Ms. Maria
Bourke, Dr. Michael
Braniff, Ms. Mimi
Brown, Mr. Barry
Burchfield, Mr. Bobby
Caldeira, Mr. Stephen J.
Cave, Mr. George F.
Coffee, Mr. Brett
Edwards, Mr. Dale
Eldred, Ms. Nina R.
Etherton, Jonathan L.
Evans, Dr. Joseph A.

Filipowicz, Mr. Mitch
Flott, Mr. Andrew
Gray IV, Mr. W. Scott
Griggs, Col. Christian
Gurtz, Mr. Dennis M.
Herrera, Dr. Stephanie
Horton, CAPT Forrest, USN (Ret.)
Ives, Mr. Perry N.
Kyle, Mr. Robert
McKeever, Jr., Mr. Thomas J.
Mitchell, Ms. Jeanne O.
Monroe, Mr. Ned
Montgomery, Mr. John B.
Napoleon, Mr. Vincent J.

O’Brien, Ms. Julia L.
Pantuso, Mr. Peter
Rasmussen, Mr. Eric
Richardson, Mr. David
Rinaldi, Mr. Paul
Rooney, Mr. Patrick
Simon, Mr. Terry
Sundeen, Dr. James T.
Weston, Maj. Gen. Craig P., USAF (Ret.)
Widmann, Mr. Arden “Art”
Witt, Mr. Daniel A.
Whitlock Jr., Rev. Dr. Mark E.
Wood, Mr. Robert D.
Young, Mr. James

2021 Leadership

District Chairs

Barrett, Mr. Ken (Colonial)
Benson, Mr. Howard (Patuxent)
Bloxsom, Mr. David (Francis Scott Key)
Carmichael, Mr. Dave (Sully)
Davis, COL Kenneth P., USA (Ret.) (Old Dominion)
Dexter, Mr. William (Patriot)
Donohue, Mr. Darryl (U.S. Virgin Islands)
Kilduff, Mr. John (George Mason)
Macias, Ms. Cheryl (Prince William)

Marrs, Mr. Aaron (Washington, DC)
Meyer, Mr. Ron (Goose Creek)
O’Reilly, Ms. Fran, (Chain Bridge)
Robusto, Mr. John (Western Shore)
Shelley, Mr. Hunter (Seneca)
Sprinkle, Mr. Kenneth (Potomac)
Stoner, Mr. Travis (Mattaponi)
Taylor, Mr. Roland (Powhatan)
Totten, Mr. William (White Oak)

2021 Youth Representatives

Staton, Ms. Megan (Venturing Officers Association President – June 2020 – May 2021)
Peterson, Mr. Stephen (OA Lodge Chief, June 2020 – May 2021)

2021 Honorary Committee

Adolphi, Mr. Ronald L.
Donohue, Mr. Thomas J.
Welch, GEN Larry D., USAF (Ret.)

2021 Advisory Committee

Arntson, Mr. Peter A.
Augustine, Mr. Norman R.
Bauknight, Mr. Karl
Chance, Rev. Dr. Robert
Charpentier, Mr. Charles P.
Crayton, Jr., Mr. Clarence
Davidson, Dr. Charles N.
Davis, LTG Russell C., USAF (Ret.)
Feddeman, Mr. Edward G.
Hillenbrand III, Mr. Frederick F.

Iscoe, Judge Craig S.
Lewis, Mr. Garry
Marvel, Dr. Kevin B.
Mason, Hon. John
McFadden, Mr. Chauvon
Minchew, Mr. J. Randall
Mitchell, COL Charles H., USA (Ret.)
Mitchell, Mr. James E.
Murray III, Christopher C.
Niño, Mr. José F.

Palenscar, Mr. Daniel
Pocalyko, Mr. Michael N.
Ramsey, Mr. Phillip
Reyes, Mr. Joseph A.
Roy, Mr. Charles J.
Silversmith, Mr. Gary
Sterne, Mr. Robert G.
Tuck, Mr. John C.
Winch, Jr., Mr. Gary W.
Yarbrough, Mr. Edwin